On a more-or-less serious note, last week marked the one-year anniversary of my blog experiment, and I'm darned glad that Mitch gave me the idea, although I believe he mentioned something about a book deal, which - nothing yet. If you're enjoying this and think I should keep it up, then thanks! It's been a pretty great way to waste time at work, and looking back, it's not nearly as nauseating as I was afraid it might be, so that's good. Finally, having jotted down the daily flotsam of one year, it's astonishing to say that my life is a hell of a lot better than it was 372 days ago, and for that I am profoundly grateful to Mitch, Tory, Chantal, Karie, Scott, Elma, Andy, Patrick, Adam, Charlie, Erik, Gustavo, Morgan, Wilcox, Gregory and the many, many nameless boys I shamelessly dated, as well as to the PTBs and to all of you 2900+ other (?) people who've stopped by long enough to read about what Vanessa B. Soto was up to. I hope you've enjoyed it.
Best to all in the New Year - I hope you have the same good fortune as I have had.
Knock on wood...
VanessaIAB: love oo
Yaki Torysan: I love you more
Yaki Torysan: but I'm imaginary
VanessaIAB: ah
VanessaIAB: me too
Yaki Torysan: you're not imaginary
Yaki Torysan: I've bitten you
Yaki Torysan: therefore, you are real

happy girl