red hair+green eyes=christmas every day
andy got back from his eons-long scuba charter in papua new guinea last night. finally. i was so glad to see him... he came straight over from the airport and we hung out and looked at pictures from his trip and talked for about ten hours (i'll post some later, they are extraordinary.) i feel very strange about this. good strange, and everything, but it's been a while since i've had so much stuff going on, and i have a sensation like too much caffeine- like my skin is vibrating and it is about to fly off and reveal something rather more extraordinary than plain old living flesh, like one of those remarkable nudibranchs that look more like something out of majel roddenberry's imagination than anything else. fittingly, my body is a quivering wreck. maybe it's trying to tell me i should give up worrying, laugh in gravity's face, climb up the wind and walk around in heaven.
attack of the seans
tonight i'm meeting my old friend sean o. for drinks and then another old friend, shaun b., for dinner. i'm hoping O. will agree to be the keyboardist for my currently-imaginary band. he's a genius pianist. now all i need's a fiddle, a mandolin, a guitar and... does anyone even play the bodhran anymore? maybe a horn of some kind, too. in other fun and exciting news, my beloved cousin steph's in town starting friday night. cannot wait :)
anyway, apart from the craptastic work situation, things seem to be going remarkably smoothly. i have a job interview coming up later this week, so fingers crossed there.
now all i need is a date for new years. i'm taking applications...
seriously, i'd feel better about a lot of things if i could trust myself a little more.
welcome back, barbarossa.
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