McChocolatey says:
when are we going to get together and talk budget? I promise to be good, unless you aren't...
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
i'm better than good
Snost and lost says:
i'm a freaking ANGEL.
McChocolatey says:
one could dispute that
Snost and lost says:
for realz
McChocolatey says:
you are too good
Snost and lost says:
well, you know, it's an occupational hazard
McChocolatey says:
wear a hard hat then
Snost and lost says:
i'm not sure hardhats prevent excessive awesomeness, but thanks for the interesting suggestion...
Snost and lost says:
maybe EVERYONE ELSE should wear hardhats
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
Snost and lost says:
McChocolatey says:
wow, I just got a crazy image in my head
Snost and lost says:
that's one of my superpowers.
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