
Kare: you rock!
Rabbi: no...YOU rock!!!
Rabbi: how can i rock if you're rocking??
Kare: lol
Rabbi: :-)
Rabbi: we can't rock at the same time!
Kare: i am not familiar with these rules...
Rabbi: we'll have none that
Kare: are there any other guidelines i need to follow?
Rabbi: rockin' is a solitary thing
Kare: can we take turns
Rabbi: yes...
Rabbi: i will rock on the odd hours of the day....you rock on the even
Rabbi: so ...it's almost 2....get
Rabbi: ready
Rabbi: to
Rabbi: ROCK
Kare: so today's your day
Rabbi: no!!
Rabbi: we alternate EVERY HOUR!!
Rabbi: of EVERY DAY!!

Kare: whoa
Rabbi: sheesh!!

Kare: that's a bit complicated
Rabbi: do i need to send you the rockin' manual??
Rabbi: maybe so
Kare: yes i need the rockin' show directory
Rabbi: lol
Rabbi: that'd be great
Kare: it should be a complimentary piece to iaw
Rabbi: yes.
Kare: like the exhibit manual
Rabbi: and we should have breakouts
Rabbi: to learn how to do it better
Kare: only for the cool people
Rabbi: yes
Kare: who want to learn or know how to rock
Rabbi: yes
Rabbi: it's a complex process
Rabbi: so....
Kare: of course
Rabbi: we're one down, one to go on the fandangling
Kare: we make it look easy
Rabbi: fandangling..i mean
Rabbi: yes we do
Kare: but it's really not
Rabbi: rock is 2nd nature
Kare: you either have it or you don't
Rabbi: you can't "teach" rock
Rabbi: right
Kare: see, we're even on the same wavelength
Rabbi: yes we are....
Rabbi: sweet
Rabbi: so....we're 1-for-2 on "Operation Convince Sponsor not to do what they Originally Contracted to Do"
Rabbi: you dreading that call??
Rabbi: or are you READY TO ROCK!!?!!?
Kare: yeah if she ever gets back to me
Rabbi: wow....that's not Rock
Rabbi: that's extremely Un-rock
Kare: yeah, but i'll cut her some slack
Kare: she is soooo nice
Rabbi: ok...
Rabbi: that's up to you...(Code B104c - Rock Manual)

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