
hilda, hilda! get me a map of everything!

well the best news of the day so far is that arie and dan got together.
woo! love conquering things!

he got her three sets of pajamas and a toothbrush and told her to come over. next weekend they're koshering his kitchen! so they have some stuff to work out, but it is so good to hear. better you should believe in each other and disagree on god, after all, the big fella is not going to rub your back when you're sad or sick, and he's definitely not going to hug you back and squeep merrily when you grab his hiney.

time to go take my chuck russert personality and iq test. argh.

listen, seriously there's nothing to be learned from asking me what shape-with-attached-squiggle comes next in a sequence comprised of shapes with sqiggles attached to them. i could have told you, chuck old pal, that me and spatial relations are not friends. heck, anyone in the Associated Supermarket on Fifth Ave. yesterday afternoon could have told you that after i loudly (and unwittingly) destroyed a very tidy display of jars of marinara sauce. furthermore, and adding to my disdain for the whole business, the 'personality' segment of the test was craptacular, featuring such not-at-all-transparent questions like "To get a project done on time, you must sometimes cut corners. Agree/Disagree/Unsure" and "In a competition, the most important thing is Winning/Participating/Unsure." "I would rather be seen as a successful person than a nice person A/D/U." Well, inaugurez du mon réflexe de vomi, monsieur, avec une petite cuillère, s'il vous plait. One more thing to lose sleep over will surely not inspire me to unimagined heights of productivity.

Really, nothing short of a raise would do that...

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