
Political Animal on the Cheneys' reponse to Kerry's comments on their daughter Mary's sexual orientation.

"They were upset because according to the propaganda the knucklehead Religious Right gobbles down, homosexuality is caused by a). Child abuse b). Lax over-liberal parenting c). Satan d). Democrats e). Poor parenting.
What it is not supposed to be is completely beyond an individual's choice. I know, I've argued with the Greater Scaly Trolls on the Guardian boards on this issue.
So, the Cheneys having a gay daughter should provide their base with a hefty measure of cognitive dissonance.
I give credit to Schieffer for putting the question about gay rights in this form. Either you're an ignoramus/bigot and think it's a matter of choice, or not a complete moron and avoid saying something so stupid.
All Kerry did was make it perfectly clear that sexuality was beyond partisanship or choice. Bush's base needs some acquaintance with the truth on this. Even Bush himself avoided saying it was a choice. I believe in his heart he knows that the choice explanation is rubbish."

"Osama bin Laden is sitting in the hills of Afghanistan right now, trying to figure out a way to purchase some of those nuclear weapons North Korea built under Bush's watch so he can disintigrate a major American city, possibly the one you're living in. And, apparently Bush isn't too worried about him. But so what?

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