esser baciato da cotanto amante,
questi, che mai da me non fia diviso,
la bocca mi baciò tutto tremante.
Galeotto fu il libro e chi lo scrisse:
quel giorno più non vi leggemmo avante.
"One day for our own pleasure we were reading
Of Lancelot and how love pinioned him.
We were alone and innocent of suspicion.
Several times that reading forced our eyes
To meet and took the color from our faces.
But one solitary moment conquered us.
When we read there of how the longed-for smile
Was being kissed by that heroic lover,
This man, who never shall be severed from me,
Trembling all over, kissed me on the mouth.
That book — and its author — was a pander!
In it that day we did no further reading."
-Francesca DaRimini, La Comedia Divina, Inferno, canto V, vv.28, 50
Durante Alighieri, detto 'Dante'
dying for a trip back to Italy after reading this
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