
i'm so tired of everyone being so pissed off about things that don't really matter at all that they forget about common sense and kindness and for fuck's sake decency, at least. after roughly twenty-four hours of listening to people call each other hipsters and deny that they're hipsters and make fun of people's sisters, and complain about the most inane, useless, timewasting bullshit, all i can say is- what are you people so angry about?

is the the antiblog backlash? should i down a thousand prozacs with some iced green tea and turn out the big light?

i just had lunch with my bitter, broken old friend who regaled me with a tale of such woe - a J-date gone wrong ending in this fellow looking down at the bald head of the pretty girl who was busy fellating him - her wig came off in his hand. sheesh. i needed to hear this? of course, i laughed, i mean, who wouldn't, but... meanwhile, lawrence and sarah lewittinn have been the subject of some pretty nasty slams on that piece of shite, jason mulgrew's site, some blogs are better than others and while i, too, take occasional offense at the too-cool-for-schoolsterism and self-important huffery of brother lawrence's blog, it cracks me up most of the time, and i also know that lawrence is a decent, if crotchety and contrary, person who has been my friend for ten years. we never even had an argument until last night, and we still managed to laugh it off right around the time i closed out my response to P.O.S.J.M. with a cheery "Vote Kerry!"

but even before that i spent three hours in Molly's Shebeen on third avenue eating checken pot pie and drinking and listening to ariella talking about dan mcsomething. she loves him, he adores her, but because she's an orthodox jew and he's a devout catholic, never the twain shall meet. we toasted to our respective handsome irish men and came to no conclusions. after all, who am i to give relationship advice? (sure, listen to the starry-eyed optimist. great idea...)

geez, kare.

let me reframe this for you: arie and dan have a problem. someblogsarebetterthanothers et. al. have a personality disorder.

seriously, folks, can we can the bad assitude? don't we have bigger fish to fry than each other? we're all kittens of a similar stripe and we're all being drowned in the same puddle, so unless you've got yourself some big solution to war and world hunger, why don't you lay off Spin's editorial staff and the occasional coupla grams of back fat. jesus. could you be more superficial? stop wasting your time! create beauty and quit crapping on each other. no matter how awesomely superior you think you are, you're not going to live forever.

may a pink unicorn poop a rainbow on your day...

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