
four more years?

one more thing, before i go to bed. i am starting to think that george w. bush is going to win the upcoming election. i said months ago to wilcox that if kerry won, i'd run down ninth street in the nude, singing out 'Mazeltov!' but then i realized that there was an implied opposite: what would i want to do if george won? America might be an ugly, unhappy place right now, but what will it look like on November third? i can't believe how soon it is coming up now.

the saddest thing is that really, there is nothing i love about john kerry - not that there is anything i dislike, either - but the lack of any really horrible philosophical or personal or political flaws is so, so, so much better than the greed and foolishness and selfishness and cynicism our current President and his advisors have shown. lawrence and i were talking about it this morning, about why kerry picked edwards, litigator extraordinaire, as his running-mate, about the undecided-margin-decimating bounce in bush's poll numbers after this week's convention, about why kerry didn't respond sooner to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. anyway, it finally dawned on me - took a couple of days - that things don't look very good at all, and that for all that has been lost, there's a lot more yet that could be lost if george and the republicans can hold on to the white house for another four years.

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